Obama Pledges $279 Million To Everglades

everIt's a small fraction of the money that Bush promised The Glades, but it's better than nothing:

In 2000, Congress allocated $1.4 billion in federal funds as a down payment on the Everglades restoration project.  Under the Bush administration, funding was not forthcoming.  In fact, Bush vetoed a $21 billion federal water preservation bill which included almost $2 billion for Everglades restoration.  Furthermore, Bush’s U.S. Department of the Interior pressured the United Nations’ World Heritage Committee to remove the Everglades from the endangered list.Fortunately for the “River of Grass”, the Obama administration has not forgotten the Everglades.  $96 million of the $4.6 billion federal stimulus package earmarked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works projects will go towards Everglades restoration.  Additional funding of $183 million will come from the Congressional spending bill that passed last month.

MP3: Lonnie Mack - Florida