The sun has been-a-shinin' lately, so when you're out doing that hiking and camping thing that y'all love to do, the likelihood of passing some wildflowers on the trail is getting higher. If you're out on a prairie in the Land Of Lincoln this summer and you're not sure if you're staring at a Cliff Onion or a Sawtooth Sunflower, you can take a picture and mosey on over to this amazing wildflower resource (it's not specific to the midwest) to figure out what it was you were admiring just two hours previous. If you're like me and don't know a damn thing about these colorful little pretties but have always wanted to impress your friends, then click here and let out a big sigh that you're on the Internet and not outside.I guess if you're one of those people who likes to do their research before you leave the house, there's always a book. Probably a better idea.