
The prickly pears were in full bloom a few miles down the road from the fields of Columbine and Indian Paintbrush. I was all set to sleep in a tent right along side those handsome results of a rainy Colorado spring/summer until a neighbor volunteered their bright orange 1974 VW Camper Bus. Can you say no to an opportunity like that? Yes, you probably could, but there was no way in hell I wasn't going to fall asleep on that plaid bed. I spent the weekend driving up and down Canyon Road, back and forth from Boulder and Nederland, hiking, watching fireworks, drunkenly sneaking up on a fast flowing creek, eating food made on planks of wood, thinking of dog names for when the time is right, and trying to figure out why I ever left for the big city.She's quite a lady, that Colorado.MP3: Townes Van Zandt - Columbine