Bemidji Woolen Mills

bm07_88I was reading 10Engines yesterday when I came across the image above, a Scotch Cap from Bemidji Woolen Mills. I spent my summers at camp up in Bemidji, MN and we used to ask our counselors to get us these hats when they would go into town. Sometimes they'd come back with them, sometimes they'd be empty handed and reek of cheap beer from The Squirrel's Nest. My dark green version was perfect for cold nights in front of the lake, learning to play "Run Around" on a newly purchased black Washburn guitar that was twice my size. Puberty was a long long way off.On my first day of college in Boulder, Colorado, I was walking through Farrand Field and spotted someone with a blaze orange version. I got closer, dude's face got clearer, and by the time I was near enough to start the small talk I had prepared in my head on the walk over, I realized it was a friend of mine from camp that had helped teach me guitar chords on Lake Plantagenet. It had been many years since I had seen him and he was playing frisbee with his cousin, another camp buddy, so the three of us chatted for a few minutes about those summers and the merits of looking like Elmer Fudd. I saw those guys all the time for the next four years. Good first day of college.I'm not a very fashionable guy and I sure as hell don't know much about any of the latest clothing trends, so I'll probably look a complete idiot in this hat now, but what the hell. It's a damn fine thing to keep your head warm when the sun goes down.