Photos by Tom KaffineI've linked to it on many occasions - twice in the post below - but I'm not sure I've ever officially mentioned on Cold Splinters before. It's the definitive internet source for America's wilderness areas and has some of the best pictures you can find on the web. Both shots above are from their Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness archive. It's also the "only officially-recognized, national, comprehensive, inter-agency database of information about all Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service and National Park Service wilderness areas." I get lost there for hours, so I hope you'll do the same: is a website formed in 1996 through a collaborative partnership between the College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana, the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute. The latter two partners are the wilderness training and research arms of the Federal government, respectively. The program is overseen by a working group and steering committee.