New Belgium and Devendra Banhart

If you've ever spent some time out west, specifically in Colorado, chances are pretty high that you've had a bottle of New Belgium's Fat Tire before. I'm not sure if it's the Phish parking lot vibe obsession with Fat Tire or the actual taste I don't like, but I've never been a fan. New Belgium does some good things to help protect the environment in Colorado though, so if you are a fan, keep buying them. Your money is going to a good place and an a eco-conscious company.But that ain't the point of this post. I saw Devendra Banhart play last Friday night and it reminded me of two New Belgium/Fat Tire commercials that feature "Noah" and "At The Hop". They both look more like music videos than commercials - a guy fixes up a vintage bike that resembles the one that adorns the Fat Tire label and takes it for a nighttime ride through the mountains of Colorado. Nothing to do with beer.The videos are probably over three or four years old, but beautiful and well worth watching if you haven't already done so. Doesn't make the beer taste any better unfortunately.MP3: Devendra Banhart - Baby Watch them after the jump...