Wolverine 1,000 Mile

photo by Daniel Arnold There are a lot of things I'm thankful for this year, but if I had to rank them all in a big old list, I'd probably put my Wolverine 1,000 Mile Boots right there at the top, along with that 66 key piano that they're resting on in the photo above. (The truth is, I got that piano two years ago as a gift to myself after being in the hospital for a few days with meningitis, but every time I play it, it feels like I bought it yesterday.) Wolverine was nice enough to send me these boots several months ago, and while the outdoor jaunts force me to substitute something a little thicker, they have not left my feet since arriving in the mail. It was a little difficult at first to see something so handsome at the bottom of my jeans and t-shirt uniform, but I made do. They've been a constant reminder of what a damn shame it is that 99% of "outdoor" shoes look the way they do.Based on company founder G.A. Krause's original, 125-year-old design, the shoe was originally built to "give you 1,000 miles of wear." And that couldn't feel more like the truth. They'll be with you for a long time, forever maybe, getting better looking with every step.