Arizona State Parks in Trouble

A sad week for Arizona. Fewer than one third of Arizona's state parks and recreation areas will remain open after June 3 under staff recommendations released Monday. The recommendations call for the closure of 13 parks between February and June. If approved by the parks board, the state would close Fort Verde, Homolovi Ruins, Lyman Lake and Riordan Mansion state parks on Feb. 22. Roper Lake, Tombstone Courthouse, Tubac Presidio and Yuma Territorial Prison would follow on March 29. On June 3, Alamo Lake, Lost Dutchman, Picacho Peak, Red Rock and Tonto Natural Bridge state parks. The proposed cuts to State Parks would provide just 4 percent of Arizona's goal, while shutting down the Park's annual contribution to the Arizona economy of more than $266 million.The state parks selected to remain open are the ones that generate revenue: Buckskin Mountain, Catalina, Cattail Cove, Dead Horse Ranch, Fool Hollow Lake, Kartchner Caverns, Lake Havasu, Patagonia Lake, and Slide Rock. But even those will close unless the parks system gets a $3 million infusion of cash before the end of the fiscal year, said Renee Bahl, the parks director. (via)Arizona's state buildings including the Capitol, the governor's office, the state hospital and state prisons go on sale today as the financially pressed state tries to raise money to plug a $4.5 billion deficit. (via)To find out what you can do to help, visit the Arizona State Park Foundation.MP3: Jayhawks: Take Me With You (When You Go)