In 1980, when Jimmy Carter created the 19 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, only six families of white settlers were allowed to keep cabins there. Heimo Korth and his wife, Edna, are the only ones left. If you've ever read The Final Frontiersman, a book that chronicles author James Campbell's visits with Heimo in 2002, 130 miles above the Arctic Circle, 250 miles from the nearest road and another 300 miles to the nearest hospital, then you should be very excited right now. And if you haven't read the book, you should still be very excited.A few months ago, when the guys at VBS returned from their 10 day visit with Heimo and quickly told me some of the details, I couldn't wait to see the footage. Today, VBS is finally debuting the first of a five part series about Heimo, titled Heimo's Arctic Refuge. The first episode shows is about where and how Heimo lives, and after looking through the pictures that VBS was kind enough to just send me, one of them pictured above, there is some amazing/brutal stuff to come. Watch it here and make sure you go back everyday this week. I'll remind you, don't worry.