Head on over to Winter Campers and learn how to make a quinzee and a variety of other snow shelters for the coming season:
A quinzee (also quinhzee) is a combination of an igloo and a snow cave. Quinzees are suitable in marginal snow conditions, or when a crust is not available for igloos, or when there is not enough deep packed snow for a snow cave. On the flip side a quinzee won’t last an entire winter season as do some igloos. Usually quinzees are made for 2-3 sleepers.Quinzees require a fair bit of work to complete and are usually used when spending more than one night in the same spot. If built properly a quinzee will be warmer to sleep in than a tent.
Youtube: Iris Dement and Emmylou Harris - Our TownMP3: Iris Dement - I've Got That Old Time Religion In My Heart