Dear You,I hope you have a great Christmas and an even better New Year. I asked for a Blue Heeler for the holidays, but I'm hoping I don't get one. A small apartment ain't no place for an Australian Cattle Dog. What'd you ask for? Where you going?See you when we see you,Cold Splinters
Have A good Weekend
Have a good weekend
I leave tomorrow morning on a 10 day adventure in Peru, so y'all take care of yourselves and have a very merry halloween. See you when I get back. MP3: Los Datsun's - Who'll Stop The Rain
Have a Good Weekend
There are few things in this world that make me happier than Van Morrison. And while my head has a faint pounding to it this morning, a result of the Celebration Ales that accompanied last night's dinner of veggie burgers and slices of pecan pie, this clip of Van doing "Warm Love" (a clip that was gone from Youtube for a while) is the world's best Advil. Have a good weekend. Burn some billboards.
Have A Good Weekend
Have A Great Weekend
Cape Cod National Seashore
I am off to good ol' Cape Cod this weekend, and after I return to New York, I'm continuing on to Salt Lake City, Utah for Outdoor Retailer on Monday. So, if you're going to be there, walking up and down the aisles of GEAR, please shoot me an email. It'd be a damn thrill to make your acquaintance.I'll be back on this blog somewhere around August 9th, and holy hell, there are lots of exciting Cold Splinters things going on in the coming months. Thanks for reading, y'all. It's going to be a special year.MP3: Loudon Wainwright III - Lullaby
Have One Hell Of A Weekend
See y'all when the weekend comes to its premature end. Enjoy the sunshine and Happy Trails.MP3: Bill Fay - Maudy la LuneMP3: Bill Fay - We Want You to StayMP3: Bill Fay - Tiny
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July
Enjoy the fireworks.Enjoy the HEAT.Enjoy the bugs.Enjoy the red, white and blue.Enjoy the iodine in your water.Enjoy the sunburn and Steven King books.Enjoy the ice cold Pepsi and the 7 Layer Burrito on your drive back home from the trail.Wave that flag,Cold SplintersMP3: Grateful Dead - U.S. Blues (11.15.71)