In the spring/summer of 2009, Geoff Holstad and his girlfriend, Sarah, rode their bikes from Michigan to Oregon on the TransAmerica Trail. As many of you know, Geoff is both a contributor to CS and the guy behind So Sweaty, and he's posted pictures and tales of of the trip several times around these parts. In addition to those photos, ReadyMade Magazine sat down with Geoff and Sarah and asked them a couple of questions about the trip that I was lucky enough to hear about while Geoff was in town visiting a couple of weeks ago.Enjoy it here.
Tell us your favorite place you stayed?Sarah: We camped in tons of beautiful spots along the way; our favorite was near the Montana-Idaho boarder in Lolo National Forest. I definitely underestimated Idaho.Geoffrey: On our second night of the trip we read on the route maps we got for the trip that you could camp at the firehouse, so that’s what we did. It was crazy. It was pouring rain, so we set up our tent in the firehouse between two fire engines. The firemen cooked a big spaghetti dinner for us—that was pretty memorable.