Madison Spring Hut

Originally built in 1888 and opened in 1889 as the Appalachian Mountain Club’s first hut, Madison Spring Hut will reopen on June 2, 2011 after being completely rebuilt to add new green technologies and create more comfortable dining and bunk spaces. Madison was modeled after the European alpine huts and is now part of AMC’s hut-to-hut hiking network, which is the oldest in these United States. Perched at an elevation of 4,825 feet, Madison's above-treeline views of the Presidential Range and the valley below was originally built as a stone cabin for 12 guests with no caretaker or meal service. Read more about the technical aspect of the redesign here. And if you're not a member of the AMC and you live in New England, become a member now. The AMC does some wonderful things in these parts.