Nemo Letters

Everett Ruess (NEMO) (1914-1934?) was a young artist and poet that explored, wrote about the high desert, and captured the lust of Utah and the High Sierra in linoleum block prints (with which he traded with Ansel Adams). Jon Krakauer likens Christopher McCandless to Everett Ruess in Into the Wild, in a gripping, harsh retelling of Ruess' escape to the wilderness and proposed fate, leaving only his pen-name "NEMO" scrawled on the stone walls in his wake. In 2009, it was thought that Ruess' remains were found, being believed by some that he was attacked and killed by Ute indians, an assumption that was taken back by a Utah archeologist after thorough DNA analysis. If you haven't read the book Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty, a book written in 1983 about Ruess' life, buy it this morning.Cruising eBay an hour ago I ran across these gems that an antique seller recently grabbed from a California estate sale: newspaper clippings about Ruess, 2 photos of Ruess (one with an American Indian mother and child), as well as handwritten letters/poems by Ruess (!), all found in a dusty leather case (included).More resources about Ruess and his life can be dug through here.