To hours on the trail, great company, better stories, no rain, tall fires and a few good nights of sleeping under the stars. Happy 4th of July, everyone. Have the best long weekend and we'll see you on Tuesday.MP3: Leon Russell - Out In The Woods
Have a Good Memorial Day Weekend
After this weekend, it's smooth sailing through summer and fall. Or so they say, right? Have fun out there.Joe Cocker - Let's Go Get Stoned
have a good (dry) weekend
"We camped in the woods just below the snowline. We had no tents, but instead made shelters from our ponchos. In the middle of the night it rained and the hood of my poncho filled with water and then let loose on me. It was one of the coldest, wettest and most uncomfortable nights I ever spent." *
Have a Good Weekend
Have A Good Weekend
I have still yet to be around a campfire when someone pulls out their flute, but I suppose that anything is possible. And yes, I'll say it, I think I'd rather hear a flute than a Martin Backpacker Guitar (I've made fun of those things too many on this blog, I know) plucking the sweet sounds of "Run Around," because really, is there another song that it knows how to play? Do any of you bring musical instruments other than a Hohner with you? I don't mean to be a dick about the guitar, but I spent many a minute listening to some really bad renditions of some really good songs while out camping in and around Boulder, CO during college. T'is the season.Enjoy it out there. And bundle up.MP3: Davey Graham - Dance for Two People
Have a Good Weekend
Have a good weekend y'all. It's springtime. Who's putting some new laces in the boots and getting outside?
Have A Good Weekend
Was a busy week around these parts. Enjoy the sunshine and the days off. See you soon.Youtube: Mick Jagger - Memo From Turner (from Performance) MP3: Rolling Stones - Memo From Turner
Be safe out there.MP3: Bruce Cockburn - Wondering Where The Lions Are
Have a Good Weekend
Grass Doe (thx Old Chum)Take it easy, all. Have a nice, warm Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Drink a lot of coffee and eat a big bowl of grits. Put on a puffy ol' coat and lay down in the snow. We'll see you again on the last day of this fine month. Until then....MP3: Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Braver Newer World
It's too early to be getting cabin fever, but am I not the only one? Who's getting out and doing something great this weekend?MP3: Dizzy Gillespie - Salt Peanuts