The Outlier guys dream up a whole mess of wonderful things in their Brooklyn, NY headquarters. From the world's best hiking pants (sure, they're meant for biking) to their Hyperlite collaboration, I'm always excited to open their emails and find out about their newest creation. Their knowledge of fabric and garment design is more than vast, and they've been nice enough to teach me a great deal these last few months, always over a few beers and a good dinner. If you're not hip to what Abe, Tyler, Roy and their team are doing, get on it. It's well worth your time. And if you do end up with something from Outlier in your closet, beware: You'll probably wear it everyday for weeks. Maybe months.A little bit of background for this week's Trail Mix from Abe:
"Conceptually I envisioned it as all as a one walk down the hudson along side the Amtrak tracks from Yonkers then across the frenzy of midtown and city life. It roughly splits into a river side and city side."
Download: Ventures In A Slipstream