Geoff Holstad, who used to write a post once in a while on this here rag (ahem), is off on his second Cabin Time adventure as we speak. If you're not hip to CT, here's a little more info:
Cabin-Time is loading up a caravan of vehicles to leave from Grand Rapids, Michigan, picking up 18 artists on the way through Chicago and Minneapolis to finally land in a small hand-built cabin outside of Grand Marais, Minnesota. Nationally and internationally regarded artists are coming from around the U.S., the list of which can be found on the C.T. site.Cabin-Time is a roaming artist residency to remote places. The first C.T. trip was with seven Michigan-based artists this past January, to an 8-bunk C.C.C. cabin in the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. The artists spent 5 days making work both independently and collaboratively, entirely off-grid in Michigan's northwoods. Photos, videos, and work made during and responding to the residency can be seen here.
Have fun out there. Congrats, GH.MP3: Todd Rundgren - We Gotta Get You a Woman