If you've ever spent a night under the stars, it's likely that, if only for a single moment, you've thought about Life Out There. Whether you're a believer or not, it's hard to go camping without being surrounded by the idea as soon as those big balls of light start showing their pretty faces. My feelings towards extraterrestrial beings are clearly augmented after a few sips of blackberry brandy around the campfire, but I suppose that's to be expected.Stuff You Should Know, a favorite around these parts, posted a new podcast earlier this month that explores the origin, aims and challenges of  SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence), the institute and the term that explains the general search for alien life. It also starts off explaining the wonderful photo above, known as the Wow! Signal.Listen to the podcast here.Watch the 1997 trailer for Contact, written by Carl Sagan and starring Jodi Foster as a SETI scientist, right here.