Wooly Bear Winter

Woolly Bear Normally this wouldn't be of interest, BUT, since we've been spending most of our time up in Sullivan County, NY this month, we see Woolly Bear caterpillars constantly. Every step you take on the road, there's another black and brown fella trying to make his way to other side.Anyway, this is from NPR Morning Edition. It's going to be a cold, wet winter. Or maybe it won't, who knows. Listen here:

Sit down, Punxsutawney Phil. Over the weekend, people in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, gathered for a weather forecast from caterpillars. Woolly bear caterpillars are black, with a brown stripe down the middle and folklore says the larger the stripe, the milder the winter. At the 17th annual Woolly Worm Winter Weather Prognostication Festival - say that twice - several woolly bears predicted a wet, cold winter ahead. Of course, they were wrong last year.