Juniper Ridge x Men's Journal

Juniper 1 Juniper 2 Juniper 3 Juniper 4If you've flipped through the pages of the Men's Journal on stands now, you'll see a wonderful article written about my cousins and heart condors, Juniper Ridge. I've spent a lot of time with those folks in the last year hiking/camping/driving around California, drinking wine on Oakland porches, singing about stray cats in cabins near Mammoth and eating Korean tacos in Brooklyn, so you can imagine how happy I was to see Hall, JR's founder, swearing in print:

Four hours and several beers later, Newbegin swirls a beaker under my nose. Piney, woolly, grassy notes hit me powerfully. Newbegin is not surprised. "This stuff is Ice Age," he says. "You'll respond regardless if you give a shit about Big Sur, because the love of nature is hardwired into us."

See more of Jose Mandojana's wonderful outtakes from the Men's Journal shoot here.