The Astral Guides

astral guidesOur dear friend/cousin, Obi Kaufmann, he of Coyote and Thunder and Juniper Ridge, is releasing The Astral Guide cards today. If you have any sense of mind, you'll go follow the links here and buy them:

The Astral Guides work with light to help with particular quandaries. Each card is assigned a star, or a constellation of stars, that when in season, benefit from moving between the Earth and the arm of the Milky Way it lives in. Begin by shuffling the deck well, concentrating on the dilemma. Always consult the deck with specific intention. Draw one, three or five cards depending on the depth and importance of the quandary at hand. Arrange the cards in order, laterally so the orienting symbols on both sides of the card line up. Count the numbers, consider how the orienting symbols align, recognize the seasonality of each card, move through the poetry. If the numbers add up to an even sum, if the orienting symbols don’t align, or if the season isn’t right, don’t pay too much attention to the reading: the door needs to be open correctly for the guides to grant clear divination.


Mikael Kennedy California IIMikael Kennedy CaliforniaPeople, have you bought Mikael Kennedy's new book, California? If you haven't, do it now. Because if there's anyone to listen to in this situation, it's yours truly. I was sitting right next to this amazing feller the entire time he was shooting. And yes, it was as magical in real life as it looks printed on paper.GO.