It's been a while since we've had a Trail Mix up in these parts. The 16th (!) installment is from Fletcher Tucker, a friend in Big Sur, who amongst other things, runs a fabulous record label called Gnome Life and records under the name Bird By Snow. A little word from Fletcher about the music he chose:
Here we have a mind-expansion-mix, unfettered by any fence of genre, or aesthetic boundary either natural or manmade. It is a trail mix for the PCT or the spirit trail, equally good for the psychic hiker, or those who leave an actual boot-print. Feel free to explore these songs as you would a landscape. Some may prefer the sunnier peaks, while others the shady wood, while still others traverse the entire terrain (bright or shadowy) with wonder-filled senses. Consider this (and indeed all) music as you would nature. Creativity is, after all, a wilderness – parenially mysterious, essential uncharted, forever expanding.
Whether you're out west in sunny California, in the middle of extreme midwest freeze, or under piles of snow out east, download this, stay warm and enjoy the weekend. Sure doesn't feel like a weekend, but we'll make do. Thanks for everything, Fletcher (and Noel).
Download: Gnome Life Present Trail Mix XVI: Wilderness of The Mind