Documerica: David Hiser

On December 2, 1971, its first anniversary, the EPA inititated Project Documerica to document the successes and failures of the EPA in battling environmental degradation. “EPA has a clear mandate to arrest pollution and to help improve the American environment,” said William D. Ruckelshaus, head of the EPA, in a 1971 press release. “We are working toward a new environmental ethic in this decade which will bring profound change in how we live, and in how we provide for future generations. It is important that we document that change so future generations will understand our successes and our failures.” (via)The pictures above are David Hiser's contribution to Documerica, a series of photos of America's southwest desert. See more after the jump.documerica31documerica73814165901_aafa637de2_o-1documerica9cowfiredocumerica10