NPS Gives $873K For Trails

The National Park Service's "Connect Trails To Park" grants have been awarded for 17 projects this year. The grants total $873,000, and are being given to places where national historic and scenic trails intersect with national parks and other Federal facilities. The full list of recipients can be found here, but it includes:Rocky Mountain National Park, Continental Divide National Scenic Trail: $59,750 to build a new kiosk, pavilion, and entrance sign for the trail at Grand Lake.Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Stanwix National Memorial, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park: $30,485 to construct North Country National Scenic Trail waysides at Grand Marais, Michigan; Rome, New York, and; Dayton, OhioRidgefield National Wildlife Refuge: $35,000 to provide for Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail interpretive programming at the Cathlapotle Plankhouse in Ridgefield, Washington.Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail: $45,205 to develop an "Explore the Outdoors, Your Life Depends on It" education program in Great Falls, Montana.The grant program was established in 2008 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 52,000 mile National Trails System. The Trails System dates from 1968 legislation that created the Appalachian and Pacific Crest National Scenic Trails. Today, the National Trails System is comprised of 11 national scenic trails (NSTs), 19 national historic trails (NHTs), and more than 1,050 national recreation trails (NRTs). (via Daily Dirt)MP3: Jack Rose - Revolt

That Ghost

Daniel, Hanly and I went out to Breezy Point a few weeks ago with our friend, Earthwalker, and made a music video for That Ghost. Earthwalker ate some bad sand and we followed him around singing "Let Go, Let Go, Let Go" at the top of our lungs until the sun went down. Stereogum premiered it yesterday and you can watch it on Vimeo after the jump."The Red Bow" by That Ghost from twosyllable records on Vimeo.

Parkscape U.S.A.

In 1966, to celebrate the Service's birthday, an exhibit entitled PARKSCAPE was erected. This exhibit featured a conservation logo designed by the New York firm of Chermayeff and Geismar Associates consisting of 3 triangles enclosing three balls. The triangles represented the outdoors (trees and Mountains) with the 3 balls being the standard symbol for preservation.In addition, the same firm designed a new seal for the Department of the Interior. Secretary Stewart L. Udall had attempted to change Interior's name to either Department of Natural Resources or Department of Conservation, but this met with great opposition. He did, however, manage to have the seal changed from the buffalo to a stylized pair of hands holding a circle (sun) over two large triangles (mountains) which inturn were over nine small inverted triangles symbolizing water. The hands motif had been suggested by Vince Gleason as an abstract symbolizing that the Nation's natural resources were in good hands.Following closely on the heels of MISSION 66, Director George B. Hartzog, Jr. (1964-1972) came forth with a new agenda titled PARKSCAPE U.S.A. Among it's facets was one that dealt with the upgrading and modernization of the image of the Service itself. Hartzog had become enamored with the logo of the PARKSCAPE exhibit and adopted it for his new program.Hartzog used the occasion of an article in the July, 1966, issue of the National Geographic Society Magazine concerning the National Park System to launch his new program. He assured employees that the triangle symbol would supplement rather than supplant the arrowhead.In 1968, however, when Secretary Udall adopted the new Interior seal (designed by Chermayeff and Geismar Associates), Hartzog seized the opportunity to replace the arrowhead with the Parkscape symbol. With the buffalo gone from the Interior seal, he rationalized, the arrowhead with its buffalo was no longer relevant. Field reaction to this move was nevertheless unenthusiastic, for the representational arrowhead was far better liked than the abstract Parkscape symbol.Nevertheless, boards were made up by Chermayeff & Geismar showing how the new symbols would look on the various pieces of clothing, as well as on vehicles and signs.On March 3, 1969, Acting Director Edward Hummel sent a memorandum to all regional directors ordering the removal of the arrowhead shoulder patch. "In keeping with the Director's desire to act positively on field suggestions, it has been decided that effective June 1, 1969, Service emblem shoulder and cap patches will not be worn on any National Park Service garments," he wrote. Before this unpopular directive could be implemented, Secretary Hickel reinstated the buffalo seal. Hartzog thereupon reinstated the arrowhead as the official NPS emblem and continued its use as a patch in a memorandum dated May 15, 1969. Perhaps as a gesture to the few supporters of the Parkscape symbol, he simultaneously ordered its retention as the official NPS tie tack.(via the Badges and Uniform Ornamention of the National Park Service Page)

Mikael Kennedy

I've been emailing with Mikael Kennedy back and forth for the past several months, and although the two of us live less than a mile from one another, we have yet to meet. Busy lives I suppose, although Mikael's involves a bit more traveling, something that I've been trying hard to keep up with.Peter Hay Halpert has posted a large online gallery of Mikael's polaroids for your viewing pleasure, so go on over and be sure to take a look. No word on the show dates, but let's hope it's up sometime at the beginning of the new year, so the two of us can finally say hello.

Penfield Summit Classic

When it comes to camping, everything in the pictures/videos/magazines of yesteryear seems bigger. The shoes were thicker, the packs were heavier, and the coats were puffier. The down jackets that grace the covers and ad sections of old camping magazines would never be considered "performance gear" anymore. Rightfully so. But they're sure as hell better looking (in most cases) and if you're not worried about a torrential downpour while you're going snowshoeing, then you really can't beat a good down jacket. The Penfield Summit Classic does it right. A great 60/40 outer and goose down filling (80% down, 20% feather) make this jacket toasty and lightweight. And for those people that want to look like the pictures on this website, then Hudson, MA's Penfield is probably just what you're looking for.

Crater Lake

Crater Lake is located in Southern Oregon on the crest of the Cascade Mountains. It lies inside a caldera (a large crater formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone) created when the 12,000 foot high Mount Mazama collapsed 7,700 years ago following a large eruption. The lake, supplied by an average of 533 inches of snow per year, is 1,943 feet deep, making it the deepest lake in the United States and the seventh deepest in the world.MP3: Liz Phair - Crater Lake

In Search Of L.L. Bean

I found this book at the thrift store the other day and there's little information about it on the Internets. I haven't finished it yet, but most of what Mr. Montgomery has done thus far is set out to expose Leon Leonwood Bean for the lies in his biography, My Story. For example, L.L. claims that when he first made his Maine Hunting Shoes, he sent out a catalog for the shoes to a hunting license registration list from Augusta. The year he claims to have done this was several years before Maine required hunting licenses. Oh well.Mr. Montgomery is also hell bent on letting the public know (over and over) that people from Maine would never in a million years wear L.L. Bean clothing. Perhaps, back in 1984 when the book was written, L.L. Bean sent him a package with the wrong size shoes and he never got over it. I know it's a journalist's job to let the public know the truth, but it seems as though the author's hate for L.L. runs deep. Anyone else read this book? Am I crazy for thinking that? I have never read L.L. Bean: The Making of an American Icon, so maybe some of the issues brought up in this book have already been addressed.From In Search Of L.L. Bean, here's an excerpt from an issue of the Saturday Evening Post, December, 1946. This was included to show how dry L.L.'s humor was:

During the war, a general leaving the Pentagon Building found himself sharing a taxicab to downtown Washington with a civilian. In the casual taxicab conversation that developed, the civilian named his home town as Freeport, Maine. The general's interest brightened at once."Freeport?" he said. "That's L.L. Bean's town.""Ay-yah," the man from Maine agreed. "'Tis.""There's a man I'd sure like to meet," said the general. "L.L. Bean. I discovered him four or five years ago, and I've been buying from him ever since. By George, it's wonderful the way the man figures out just what you need for hunting and fishing. You hunt or fish?""Ay-yah," said the Freeporter, "do a lot of it. Always use Bean's things too. Now, you take Bean's duck-hunting coat --"The conversation had hit high gear, and continued, an exchange of hunting and fishing experiences, well interlarded with tributes to the equipment and clothing sold by the mail-order house of L.L. Bean, all the way to the hotel where the civilian was getting out. As he stepped from the cab, he extended his hand. "Pleased to meet you, general," he said. "My name's L.L. Bean."

Sesame Soba Noodles

It's a good sign if you make a dinner at home that you've made while camping. This one's basically noodles and peanut butter, but much better and just as easy.1 bunch of Soba Noodles (I usually shop for food at the nearest grocery store to the trail, and I know most of those grocery stores don't stock soba noodles, so try to think of going to your local Asian market to buy them before you leave. They're what makes this meal good.)2 Tablespoons of Sesame Oil (put it in emptied out hotel shampoo bottle)1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce (If you ever order Chinese or Japanese, save the soy sauce packets)Spoonful or two (or three) of Chili Sauce (can also use hotel shampoo bottles)2 Spoonfuls of Peanut Butter (I would assume you'll have peanut butter if you're camping.)Handful of Sesame Seeds (Also rather imperative. They weight nothing, no excuse.)Directions: Boil water. Drop the noodles in. While the noodles are cooking, mix the oil, soy sauce, chili paste and peanut butter. When the noodles are done, drain a small amount of the hot water into the sauce mix. Stir up until the peanut butter is smooth and dump it back into the pot with the drained noodles. Throw on the sesame seeds.Or you can just stick to the peanut butter and spaghetti. That ain't half bad either.

Grand Canyon Permit System

Every year, 23,000 people apply for the 11,500 permits that allow overnight backpacking in the Grand Canyon. The only way to get one of those permits is to line up at the Grand Canyon office the day they become available or mail/fax in a request. National Park Service administrators at the Grand Canyon have decided the system is unfair because it favors those who live near the canyon or have the time and resources to fly there just to get a permit. The agency is proposing to end the current system in February, making everyone in the world compete for advanced reservations by fax and mail only. (via The Goat)Not good for a business that takes people on guided tours of the area.MP3: Nick Lowe - Homewrecker

Documerica: David Hiser

On December 2, 1971, its first anniversary, the EPA inititated Project Documerica to document the successes and failures of the EPA in battling environmental degradation. “EPA has a clear mandate to arrest pollution and to help improve the American environment,” said William D. Ruckelshaus, head of the EPA, in a 1971 press release. “We are working toward a new environmental ethic in this decade which will bring profound change in how we live, and in how we provide for future generations. It is important that we document that change so future generations will understand our successes and our failures.” (via)The pictures above are David Hiser's contribution to Documerica, a series of photos of America's southwest desert. See more after the jump.documerica31documerica73814165901_aafa637de2_o-1documerica9cowfiredocumerica10